When my first daughter turned 6 months, I remember buying the biggest sweet potato I could find in Whole Foods to try to turn into a mini birthday cake. It came out soo cute, and when my 2nd turned 6 months, I knew I had to do the same thing.
I couldn’t see feeding my 6 month old a sugary cake as I’ve seen online. In fact, my 2nd had only started solids a week before her half birthday. This “cake” is only 2 ingredients and super easy to make!
If you have small cookie cutters, they would work for the banana. I used a stainless steel inside of a Linzer Tart cookie cutter. I sliced the banana and then cut out star shapes using the cutter.
For the sweet potato “cake,” it’s just sweet potato peeled, sliced extremely thick, and then I used a cookie cutter to cut it vertically.