Feeling adventurous, I whipped out the Kitchenaid along with it’s pasta attachment. I followed a basic egg pasta that was in my Kitchenaid manual. The pasta came out AMAZING. Extremely fresh and almost fluffy.
3 1/2 cups all-purpose sifted flour + extra flour for dusting
4 eggs
1/2 cup water
1/2 teaspoon salt
Kitchenaid Mixer
Pasta attachment set (includes sheet roller and cutter)

Sifting the flour felt like it took forever!

This is what the dough looks like after it’s been kneaded with the dough hook…

And now for the fun part! (I went a little overboard with the flour!)

With my homemade pasta sauce…

Place eggs, water, flour and salt in mixer bowl. Attach boowl and flat beater. Turn to Speed 2 and mix for 30 seconds.
Exchange flat beater for dough hook. Turn to speed 2 and need for 2 minutes. Remove dough from bowl and hand knead for 1 to 2 minutes. Let it rest for 20 minutes.
Divide dough into 4 pieces before processing with the pasta sheet roller attachment. Set adjustment knob on pasta sheet roller to 1. Turn mixer on to speed 2 or 4, and feed the flattened piece of dough into the roller. Repeat serveral times until dough is smooth and pliable. You may need to lightly dust pasta with flour while rolling and cutting to aid in dring and separation.
Continue by feeding the dough through settings 2 and 3. To make fettuccine, exchange the pasta roller for the cutter attachment and feed the flattened sheets of dough through the cutter. Cut pasta can be used immediately or frozen or dried for later use. We cooked the pasta for 6 minutes and it was done.
Note: For fettuccine we used roller setting 6.